Adopt a Charger
Evolve KY is Kentucky’s electric vehicle group. Our Adopt a Charger program is a simple way for businesses, foundations and individuals to have a hand in creating electric car charging infrastructure in the Kentuckiana region.
It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3!
We evaluate your potential location
The perfect place would be somewhere people will stay for typically 45 minutes or more to charge. A shopping area, park, fitness facility, library… you get the idea! Once the sponsor is made aware of the initial and on-going costs of the program, and want to move forward, we then schedule a site visit and provide an estimate of how much it will cost to get a charger installed at the location. Typical cost is between $5,000 – $9,000 for a level 2 dual charger (charges two cars).
We provide information
Evolve KY provides technical and marketing information for sponsors. We let them know that, since we are a non-profit, they get the double benefit of getting a tax-deduction and the marketing value of having their logo associated with this highly visible forward-thinking program.
Everyone wins!
The community gets the benefit of promoting zero-emission vehicles and having a publicly available and free charger for these vehicles for years to come!
Learn More
For more information on our Adopt a Charger program, please contact Mike Proctor at mikep@evolveky.org